
How does the Deposit Management System Work?

The functioning of the system, which will be managed by the Turkish Environment Agency, starts with the production and placing on the market of deposit packaging with labels bearing the deposit symbol in accordance with the criteria set by The Producers. For this purpose, ”Producers” make their applications via, process the necessary documents, select the authorized label and packaging manufacturer where they want to produce labels/packaging and make an application.

Producers register to the system at
If DBS barcode will be used in its products, it is found in DBYS Barcode Prefix Application (DBYS Barkod Ön Eki Başvurusu) on the “Applications”screen.
Selects an authorized label and packaging manufacturer from the Label- Packaging Manufacturers (Etiket-Ambalaj Üreticileri) screen.
Producers obtain approval from the Packaging Approval Center.
Deposit Management System logo and barcode labels are sent to Producers after they are produced.
The Producer uses the new approved labels on its products and pays a deposit fee to TÜÇA before selling the products.

Application Process for Producers

The Producer registers to the system at, fills in the relevant fields on the ”Company Information” (Firma Bilgileri) screen and uploads the required documents to the system.
If the DYS barcode will be used in the products, The Producers must make a ”DYS Barcode Pre-Addendum Application” (DYS Barkod Ön Eki Başvurusu) from the ”Applications” (Başvurular) screen.
If Producers are not going to use a DYS barcode because they use a GS1 barcode on their products, they need to provide a unique GS1 barcode that has not been used before.

Packaging Manufacturer or Producer Selection Process

After this step, from the ”Label/Packaging Manufacturers” (Etiket/Ambalaj Üreticileri) screen, DYS selects the authorized label and packaging manufacturer that it wants to produce marked labels/packaging.
If they want their DYS marked products to be manufactured by their Producer Suppliers, relative supplier must be registered on the "Producing Suppliers" screen. The Producer Supplier must also be registered in the system in order for the producer to select suppliers and create orders.

Packaging Approval and Certification Process

The Producer registers its products one by one on the ”Products” (Ürünler) screen. After registration, it applies for packaging approval for its products subject to registration.
In order for a label order to be placed, the products must have completed the packaging approval technical review stage.
Label/packaging manufacturers obtain the approval of the Mint and produce labels for Producers after going through a certain authorization process.

Label Order and Labeling Process

Labels with the Deposit Management System logo and barcode are sent to Producers after they are produced.
The Producer uses the new approved labels on its products and pays the deposit fees to TÜÇA before selling the products.