
Frequently Asked Questions

About System
Mandatory DYS is an ecosystem which will provide for the addition of a deposit fee in the placing on the market of single-use beverages between 0.1 L and 3.01 L intended for human consumption and other products that may be included in the scope, which will be placed on the market as determined by the Turkish Environment Agency (TUCA), the return of empty packaging after it is used by consumers to be sent for recycling without disturbing its physical and visual integrity, and the reimbursement of the deposit fee to the consumer.
The whole process regarding deposit applications within the scope of the mandatory DYS will be carried out through the Deposit Information Management System (DBYS) platform ( Notifications and data flow will be carried out through the Deposit Information System (DBS) software on this platform. Notifications regarding the process will be made separately by the General Directorate of Mint and Stamp Print House.
Setting up the necessary substructure for the collection cleanly of empty packaging with deposits and sending them for recycling in order to produce high quality raw materials, savings and emission reduction as a result of the use of recycling materials instead of raw materials, emission reduction caused by the disposal of packaging waste in landfills, contribution to the national economy thanks to the reduction in waste disposal costs of local governments, employment opportunities, preventing throw-away behaviour of consumers/society, ensuring direct participation of society in waste separation/collection systems, preventing pollution in the environment caused by waste bottles, supporting Turkey's participation in global sustainable development action.
The packaging and product classes within the scope of Mandatory DYS are specified in 'Annex-1 and Annex-2 of the Procedures and Principles Regarding Mandatory Deposit Management System Applications'. The '1st, 2nd, 3rd class' packages specified in the table below indicate the types of packages to be registered as of 01.01.2023 and the start date of registration procedures for '4th, 5th, 6th class' packages will be announced by TUCA. The 1st Class products specified in the table below indicate the products to be registered as of 01.01.2023 and the start date of the registration procedures of the '2nd, 3rd, 4th Class' products will be announced by TUCA.

ANNEX-1 Packaging Classes to be Registered/Planned
Packaging ClassesPackaging TypePackaging DescriptionPackaging Capacity/Volume
1GlassBottle0,10 – 3,01 L
2PETBottle0,10 – 3,01 L
3AluminiumBottle/ Can0,10 – 3,01 L
4HDPEBottle/ Can0,10 – 3,01 L
5CompositeBottle/ Can0,10 – 3,01 L
6OtherBottle/ Can0,10 – 3,01 L

The 1st Class products specified in the table below indicate the products to be registered as of 01.01.2023 and the start date of the registration procedures of the '2nd, 3rd, 4th Class' products will be announced by TUCA.
ANNEX-2 Product Classes to be Registered/Planned
Product1st Class2nd Class3th Class4th Class

/ Food
•Soft drinks (cola, flavoured and/or
fruit drinks, flavoured and/or fruit natural
mineral drinks, flavoured water, tonic, other soft drinks etc.)
•Drinking and spring waters
•Natural mineral waters
•Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers including aromatised ones
•Malt beverages
•Energy drinks
•Sports drinks
with a fruit
content of
50% or less
with a fruit
content above
•Milk and
drinkable dairy
•Wines, distilled
and distilled
liquid foods
Product manufacturers of the products defined in Annex-2, which are placed on the market with the disposable sales packages specified in Annex-1 of the Procedures and Principles, must be registered in DBYS, but the registration of these packaged products and their placement in the market with a deposit will be provided with a gradual transition. Producers of the products defined as 1st class to be placed on the market with the packages defined as 1st, 2nd and 3rd class in Annex-1 and Annex-2 of the Procedures and Principles; As of 1/1/2023, they will be able to start the registration process through DBYS as of 1/1/2023 and start placing their products with DYS marked packaging printed with special ink on the market as of 1/8/2023. As of 1/1/2024, it will be forbidden to place on the market packages without DYS marking that have not been approved for packaging through DBYS. The transition dates regarding the registration procedures for the products defined as 2nd, 3rd and 4th class in Annex-2, which will be placed on the market with the packages in Annex-1 of the Procedures and Principles, and for the products defined as 2nd, 3rd and 4th class in Annex-2, and the transition dates regarding their placing on the market with deposit will be carried out by TUCA by being published and organised separately. In Annex-2 of the Procedures and Principles, the products specified as “other/unspecified beverages” and “other/unspecified liquid foods” in the 4th class and the processes regarding the registration of these products in DBYS will be carried out by TUCA by being published and organised separately.
The General Directorate of Mint and Stamp Print House (Mint), as the DBYS Operator, carries out its activities as the institution authorised by TUCA to design, commission and operate the DBYS and to provide support-maintenance services to increase efficiency, productivity and security.
Refers to the natural or legal person or importer who supplies the products covered by the DYS to the market.
It refers to companies authorised by the Mint that produce DYS marked packaging and labels with special ink for deposit products.
It refers to stores, markets and similar sales units where packaged products subject to Mandatory DYS are shopped wholesale and / or retail, including electronic media and distance sales transactions.
It refers to the mark that is mandatory on the packages included in the scope of the mandatory DYS and can only be printed by printing facilities authorised by the Mint under special conditions. The DYS logo, technical specifications and usage criteria are explained in the Guideline on the DYS Mark, Adhesive DYS Label and Packaging Criteria within the scope of the Mandatory Deposit Management System. You may access the DYS Sign, Adhesive DYS Label and Packaging Criteria within the scope of the Mandatory Deposit Management System from the link below.
It refers to the integrated marking including DYS logo and DYS barcode. It will be created and downloaded by the system in line with the information entered by the producers regarding the company, packaging and products through DBYS.
There is no fee schedule for the DBYS membership registration phase. A fee information guide will be published by TUCA and Mint regarding other fee tariffs.
In case of a request to change the company title information, it is necessary to contact the DBYS support desk and request information about the process.
The verification e-mail is sent to the e-mail address used when signing up to the system. The verification message which is not in the inbox of the registered e-mail address may be in the meatloaf e-mail box. When the verification message is in the meatloaf e-mail box, you need to remove the incoming message from the junk e-mail box for future e-mails. You should contact the DBYS Support Desk for the verification e-mail that is not delivered to the meatloaf e-mail box